Culinary meets art


From flower shop to restaurant – how did this transformation of the pavilion come about?
My father was the owner of the Engwicht nursery. Following the family tradition, I first trained as a gardener and then as a florist master. After a few years in Berlin I decided to come back to Forst (Lausitz). Here I wanted to restart the pavilion as a floristic shop. But the demand was not there during those years. So I found myself another line of work, this time at the “Forster Hof”. But in all that time I always wanted to make something out of the pavilion, that such an object was simply empty, I didn’t like it at all. So I was looking for new uses. I noticed that there was no small cafe, or rather small restaurant in Forst.
So I dragged my husband and father to the table and explained my vision. And we decided together, yes, let’s do that now.

Who are your typical customers?
My guests are mainly the older generation of the city, that was also always the target group I wanted a reliable clientele. I also like it cosy myself, like to have a coffee, have a chat here and there, and I don’t want it to be wild and loud. I wanted to create an atmosphere in my restaurant in which you can also come to rest. Wild it can be elsewhere, this is my new project in Park 7.

We’ll get back to that in a minute …

Regionality is the biggest thing at the moment, where does the food you offer come from?
We work a lot with regional partners, as far as possible, so meat products come from Forster butchers and my father’s market garden has a lot of fruit and vegetables in the summer that we use. Our menu then shows that too. We like to experiment, even with vegan food. Our guests also let themselves up to it, trying quinoa because they read somewhere that it’s supposed to be good.

So you don’t have the bog standard?
No, because you should always make something different from the various products. I’m curious what happens when I mix ingredients. Every cook is a creator, so the food doesn’t taste the same every day. We cannot and do not want to do that.

You do offer events on a regular basis, don’t you?
Our Talk im Pavillion with Lutz Hoff is very popular. Here we invite a celebrity and Lutz Hoff leads through the afternoon.

Let’s movo on to your plans for Park 7 (Youth club at Parkstraße)
The pavilion should remain as it is, but here we come up against our limits from time to time. We don’t have an extra room for closed events and we do want to be there for the public. Even large groups we always had to turn away.
We opened the Cafè in Park 7 at the end of September 2019, where we offer breakfast and lunch and regularly a craft afternoon for children. It is intended to serve as a meeting centre for children, young people and families. Our room is suitable for familiy and club generation, but is also ideal for clubs and sports groups as a meeting or event location.

Good luck with that.

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PAVILLON Genuss & Kunst
Berliner Straße 28a
03149 Forst (Lausitz)
+49 (0)3562 6923539Zur WebsiteZur Instagram-Seite
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 11:00am to 9:00pm
Saturday: 2:00pm to 9:00pm
Sunday: 11:00am to 6:00pm
Cafe im Park 7
Parkstraße 7-9
03149 Forst (Lausitz)
Opening hours
Tuesday and Wednesday: 2:00pm to 10:00pm
Friday and Saturday: 5:00pm to 11:00pm
and by arrangement

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