Trade Association of the Rose City Forst
Here you will find information about current projects of the trade association of the Rose Town Forst (Lausitz), about its members and the board of directors.
If you would like to become a member, you will find the form and our current statutes in the Downloads section.
The trade association Rosenstadt Forst e.V. was founded in 1999 with the aim of giving tradespeople, freelancers and business managers from a wide range of sectors in the town of Forst (Lausitz) their own platform, to network and to pursue common interests. Our town offers a wide range of businesses – we are here for you.
Representing the interests of local businesses vis-à-vis authorities, associations, clubs and political parties
Promotion of social life & exchange of experience in our city
Strengthening of small and medium-sized businesses, economic power and attractiveness of the town of Forst (Lausitz)
Involvement of all tradespeople, especially those in the local districts
Support/assistance in the search for skilled workers, successors & entry into self-employment
- Intensification of club life
- Strengthening the networking of regional associations/ regulars’ tables
- Cooperation in economic projects for our town and the region (“In the middle instead of outside” – BIWAQ – project of the town of Forst)
- Support/participation in events to revitalise and strengthen the town centre (midnight shopping, open Sundays)
- Actions to secure and recruit skilled workers (open company day)
- Installation of joint information events and training courses on current topics (networking, funding opportunities for SMEs/traders, urban development)
- More effective networking of members – according to the motto: JOINING FORCES.
Forster city voucher
Our bonus stamp campaign “Don’t go away, buy in town” has now been replaced by the “Forster town voucher”.
Customers have the opportunity to purchase a special gift voucher, which the recipient can then redeem at the Forst retailer or service provider of their choice.
This makes the Forst town voucher a perfect gift, the purchase is made in Forst and, quite incidentally, the positive image of a unity of town administration, traders and service providers is created.